Dimitri khalezov deutsch pdf file

Man findet ein video aus dem juni 2015 bei youtube. The book sets out the authors thesis that the wtc twin towers and building 7 were brought down by means of controlled nuclear demolition with preset nuclear charges set deep beneath each building such that the actual explosions did not break through to the surface. Portal to cutting edge, enlightening, empowering information about 911. Urgent address of dimitri khalezov november 29, 2016. Dimitri khalezov has been an expert in nuclear demolition for many years and has an incredible amount of proof that the buildings were taken down by underground micro nuclear demolition charges. Emvs designers of solar systems james horak reveals what these planet sized objects are in the corona of the sun, photographed by nasaesajpl. Please, urgently download, keep secure, and redistribute as widely as possible encrypted archives with the following file names. He is a former commissioned officer of the socalled military unit 46179, otherwise known as the special control service of the 12th chief directorate of the defense ministry of the ussr. Just a reminder, the ebook is free to download but you should pay for it. Please, urgently download, keep secure, and redistribute. Dimitri khalezov wtc nuclear demolition complete full. The special control service, also known as the soviet atomic later nuclear intelligence was a secret.

Besides, it also explained his political incorrect position. Included here is a second pdf, which contains a smaller book by the same author comparing events of. Dimitri khalezov was an officer of the soviet military charged with the responsibility of handling data concerning nuclear weapons. Khalezov is a russian national and former citizen of the soviet union. Dimitri khalezov in thailand inhaftiert open speech. The ebook titled the third truth about 911 was released in august 20 which was about 1500 pages in three pdf files. Khalezov, a former soviet citizen, a former commissioned officer of the socalled. Alternative news and views, reported by agents around the world, 24 hours a day. I hate to publish such a request repeatedly, but it seems that i have no choice. Coil peace on earth magent motors labs open source free energy.

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